
A quick look into SpireUI's vision.

There are more than enough of React component libraries out there, yet none of them seem to be particularly loud or creative. Most of them are designed to crate user interfaces, with not so many focusing on the onboarding experiennce / sales funnel.


It is currently very very hard to make something cool. The knowledge of Three.js is very extensive, and most of the time inaccessible for the average developer. SpireUI strives to equip developers with the ability to create unique, dazzling websites, by providing highly customizable, easy to understand, (mostly) Three.js based React components. It is primarily designed for things such as:

  • Front pages
  • Data visualisation
  • Onboarding pages
  • Any kind of marketing related content

It is not designed for things such as:

  • Dashboards
  • User panels
  • Web apps